Programme for H.R.H. The Crown Prince's visit to China
His Royal Highness The Crown Prince visits the Chinese capital Beijing and the southern Chinese city Guangzhou 23-26 September 2017.

Denmark as a knowledge nation will be the main theme of the visit, which also has the objective of strengthening the relationship between Denmark and China. The four-day-long programme will deal with the education, research and innovation collaboration between Denmark and China, Danish environmental solutions, tourism and culture.
Saturday, 23 September
Kick-off final of the Sino-Nordic Cup football tournament
The Crown Prince starts and watches the kick-off final of the football tournament Sino-Nordic Cup. The Sino-Nordic Cup is an annually recurring Nordic-Chinese football tournament arranged by the Chinese foreign ministry. The tournament has the goal of strengthening the contact and cooperation between China and the Nordic countries including Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.
Opening of the exhibition ‘A Royal Modern Household’
The Crown Prince opens the exhibition ‘A Royal Modern Household’ at The Danish Cultural Center in Beijing’s 798 Arts District. With the help of pictures, the exhibition tells about the restoration of Fredrik VIII’s Palace, which is the Crown Prince Couple’s home. At the opening, The Crown Prince will, among other things, take part in a small reception and short tour around the cultural centre.
Tour of Beijing Design Week area
The Crown Prince takes part in a tour and is shown parts of Beijing’s international 798 Arts District, which each year is the setting for Beijing Design Week’s main events.
Dinner with the Danish ambassador
H.E. Ambassador A. Carsten Damsgaard and his husband, Esben Karmark, host a dinner for Danish companies, organizations and the Danish community in China at the ambassador’s residence in Beijing.
Sunday, 24 September
Opening of Danish-Chinese seminar
At Tsinghua University, The Crown Prince opens the seminar ‘Educating the Leaders of Tomorrow – Play, Creativity and Social Values’, which focuses on innovation, creativity and lifelong learning. From the Chinese side, representatives of public authorities and research groups will take part, while from the Danish side there will be representatives of the LEGO Foundation who will share their experience and research in the area of children’s learning and creativity.
Visit at Tsinghua Life Long Learning Lab
During his visit at Tsinghua University, The Crown Prince is shown the research project and the laboratory Tsinghua Life Long Learning Lab (TULLL), which was designed for research into children’s creativity and lifelong learning. The lab was developed in cooperation with the LEGO Foundation and, among other things, examines how children can work out specific tasks through various learning methods.
Kick-start event for Copenhagen as guest city
The Crown Prince takes part in a kick-start event for Copenhagen as a guest city at Beijing Design Week 2018. At the event, The Crown Prince gets the opportunity to visit an exhibition that focuses on ‘Danish Living’ and green solutions in large Danish cities.
Dinner at The George
The Crown Prince participates in a dinner at The George arranged by the Danish Industry Foundation and the City of Copenhagen.
Monday, 25 September
Opening of the Danish Industry Foundation House
The Crown Prince participates in the official opening of the Danish Industry Foundation House, which will be the home of the Sino-Danish Center for Research and Education. Here, The Crown Prince will, among other things, be shown the new building with a focus on its functionality and architecture. Afterwards, The Crown Prince takes part in the opening ceremony in the building’s open common area.
HM The Queen broke the first ground for the Danish Industry Foundation House at a ceremony in 2014. The Sino-Danish Center for Research and Education is a collaborative effort between the eight Danish universities and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Inauguration run on Great Wall of China
The Crown Prince takes part in the Sino-Danish Center’s ‘SDC Inauguration Great Wall Run – Joining Forces for a Healthy Future’ on the Great Wall of China. Together with current students from the centre, The Crown Prince will run with the goal of focusing on the health of children and young people in China. The run is arranged in cooperation between, among others, the Danish Center for Research and Education and Novo Nordisk.
Banquet on the occasion of the opening
The Crown Prince participates in the official banquet arranged by UCAS on the occasion of the opening the Danish Industry Foundation House at Yangihu University.
Tuesday, 26 September
Visit to Changzhou Island
The Crown Prince pays a visit to the historical area Changzhou Island, which among other things houses a historic graveyard for Danish sailors and merchants. During the visit, The Crown Prince will lay flowers at three named Danish gravesites and get a guided tour focusing on Danish-Chinese maritime history.
Changzhou Island was once known as ‘Danes Island’ and functioned as a base for Danes in connection with the trade in China. Today, the island is a symbol of how Denmark was a seafaring nation with strong ties to China.
Denmark Days – Adventures of Denmark
The Crown Prince takes part in the event ‘Denmark Days - Adventures of Denmark’, which is one of the activities taking place in China as part of the Danish-Chinese Tourism Year. At the event, The Crown Prince will, among other things, name the winner of ECCO’s Walkathon and launch a H.C. Andersen signature route together with Visit Danmark. The event takes place in the historic Guangzhou city centre, where Danish tourism companies are currently promoting Danish destinations to Chinese tourists.
Networking event
As a conclusion to the visit, The Crown Prince will be present at networking event at Hotel White Swan, where Danish companies, tour operators and others will participate.