HM The Queen’s 83rd birthday

On Sunday, 16 April 2023, Her Majesty The Queen turns 83 years old. On this occasion, Her Majesty and The Royal Family will appear on the balconies at Christian IX’s Palace at Amalienborg at 12:00.
It is expected that The Queen will resume her duties as the country’s sovereign the same day after her successful back operation in February. The Queen’s physical rehabilitation is going well, but there will continue to be a number of major tasks that The Queen cannot carry out as planned in the coming months. Information about this will be shared on an ongoing basis.
On Her Majesty’s birthday, The Royal Life Guard will be in red gala uniforms, and The Life Guard will carry out a grand changing of the guard in front of Christian VII’s Palace at Amalienborg at 11:50.
It has been five years since The Queen last allowed herself to be celebrated from Amalienborg’s balcony. On her birthdays in 2019 and 2022, The Queen resided at Marselisborg Palace in Aarhus, and, during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2021, respectively, The Queen celebrated her birthday privately due to the restrictions on gatherings.
In keeping with tradition, on The Queen’s birthday, congratulatory lists will be presented at the portal of Det Gule Palæ, Amaliegade 18, 1256 Copenhagen C, during the 10:00-14:00 time period.