The Royal House of Denmark’s annual report 2022

Today, the annual report for The Royal House of Denmark’s activities in 2022 is published.
The year was characterized by external as well as internal challenges for The Royal House of Denmark. The war in Europe, the energy and inflation crisis and the general economic instability affected The Royal House of Denmark, just as was the case in the rest of the society. The beginning of the year also continued to be marked by the coronavirus pandemic, which meant that The Royal House of Denmark had to cancel or postpone a number of arrangements and events.
Nevertheless, 2022 was both a busy and varied year for Her Majesty The Queen and The Royal Family, who took part in approximately 500 official events and arrangements in Denmark and abroad.
The historic 50th Jubilee of The Queen’s Accession to the Throne was celebrated throughout all of 2022. The year also included other festive celebrations in The Royal Family in connection with Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess’s 50th birthday and Her Royal Highness Princess Isabella’s confirmation.
The Royal House of Denmark’s annual report 2022 consists – in addition to the narrative – of the annual accounts for The Royal Civil List and the annuities for Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess.
The balance sheet for The Civil List shows a deficit of approx. 8.4 million DKK. The year’s results reflect that The Royal House of Denmark had exceptionally budgeted a deficit in the form of expenditure of the savings in order to carry out activities in connection with the Jubilee of The Queen’s Accession to the Throne.
The accounting result was also affected by the increased energy prices and the generally high inflation. In addition, the financial result reflects investments in IT security, mobile workplaces, sustainability and in maintenance of premises.
For the current year, the financial result means an essential focus on additional efficiencies and prioritization in relation to the work of The Royal House of Denmark.
Link to the annual report on The Royal House of Denmark’s activities in 2022.