Accreditation: New Year’s Address 2023 and New Year’s Banquet and Levees 2024
Following are the guidelines and opportunities for the media in connection with HM The Queen’s New Year’s address on 31 December 2023 as well as the New Year’s banquet and New Year’s levees on 1, 3 and 4 January 2024.
Please note that the deadline for applying for accreditation for all of the arrangements is 12:00 on Monday, 18 December 2023.
The New Year’s Address on 31 December 2023
HM The Queen delivers the New Year’s address on 31 December 2023 at 18:00 from Christian IX’s Palace, Amalienborg.
Pool (limited space): Photo opportunity following the New Year’s address.
Meeting time: 17:30 by the main gate to Christian IX’s Palace, Amalienborg, where there will be a security check by PET.
An application for accreditation including name, title, media affiliation and contact information must be sent to by 12:00 on Monday, 18 December at the latest. Accredited members of the media will receive a direct message by Wednesday, 20 December at the latest. You must bring your press card. Members of the media who are not accredited will have access.
The address will be accessible on The Royal House of Denmark's website immediately after it is given.
New Year’s levee and banquet on 1 January 2024
HM The Queen is the host at the New Year’s levee and banquet on 1 January 2024 at 20:00 at Christian VII's Palace, Amalienborg, where TRH The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess, TRH Prince Joachim and Princess Marie, and HRH Princess Benedikte will be present. The guests arrive starting at 18:50.
Participants: The government, the Speaker of the Danish Parliament and other representatives of official Denmark and The Royal Court.
There will be three media pools, which must be applied for beforehand. It is not possible to move between the three pool positions.
Pool 1 (limited space): On the palace square by the entry to the Entrance Hall, where the guests arrive 18:50-19:25 and The Royal Family arrive in the 19:30-19:40 time period.
Pool 2 (limited space, still photographers): In the Entrance Hall, where the guests and The Royal Family arrive and the Royal Life Guard is inspected.
Pool 3 (limited space): By the Main Stairway, where the guests pass by during the 18:50-19:25 time period.
Meeting time for all pools: The accredited press’ position will be at Amaliegade across The Yellow Palace. Security check by PET will begin at 17:50 hrs in the order of arrival.
DR provides hosted broadcast coverage (HOST) and, in this connection, sets up lighting on the palace square and in the palace.
An application for accreditation stating desired pool position, name, title, media affiliation and contact information must be sent to by 12:00 on Monday, 18 December at the latest. Accredited members of the media will receive a direct message by Wednesday, 20 December at the latest. You must bring your press card. Members of the media who are not accredited will have access.
The guest list will be posted on The Royal House of Denmark's website on 1 January at 18:50, and the menu and music program will be posted at 20:00.
New Year’s levee on 3 January 2024, Amalienborg
HM The Queen hosts a New Year's leeve together with The Crown Prince Couple on Tuesday, 3 January 2024 at 09:50 at Christian VII's Palace, Amalienborg. The guests arrive starting at 09:30.
Participants: Justices of the Supreme Court and the officer corps of the Royal Life Guard and the Guard Hussar Regiment.
Pool: Members of the media can stand in an assigned area at the main gate, where the guests arrive. There will not be an opportunity to cover the arrival of The Queen and the Crown Prince Couple.
Meeting time: 09:15 by the main gate to Christian VII’s Palace, Amalienborg.
An application for accreditation including name, title, media affiliation and contact information must be sent to by 12:00 on Monday, 18 December at the latest. Accredited members of the media will receive a direct message by Wednesday, 20 December at the latest. You must bring your press card. Members of the media who are not accredited will have access.
New Year’s levee on 3 January 2024, Christiansborg Palace
The diplomatic corps participates in the New Year’s levee on Tuesday, 3 January 2024 at 11:30 at Christiansborg Palace, where HM The Queen and The Crown Prince Couple will be present. The guests arrive starting at 10:50.
Participants: The present chiefs of mission of the diplomatic corps with spouses as well as side-accredited ambassadors with spouses.
There will be two pools. Members of the media with access to both pools will be escorted from Pool 1 to Pool 2.
Pool 1 (limited space): The Drabant Hall, where guests and The Royal Family arrive in the 10:50-11:30 time period.
Pool 2 (limited space): The balcony in the Great Hall, where photographing may take place during the presentation of the diplomats. Afterwards, journalists and photographers will leave Christiansborg Palace, approx. 12:00.
Meeting time: 09:45 by the Queen’s Gate, Prince Jørgen’s Courtyard, Christiansborg Palace, where there will be a security check by PET.
An application for accreditation stating desired pool position, name, title, media affiliation and contact information must be sent to by 12:00 on Monday, 18 December at the latest. Accredited members of the media will receive a direct message by Wednesday, 20 December at the latest. You must bring your press card. Members of the media who are not accredited will have access.
New Year’s levee on 4 January 2024, Christiansborg Palace
A New Year's levee is held with the participation of H.M. The Queen and The Crown Prince Couple on Wednesday, 4 January 2024 starting at 09.30 at Christiansborg Palace. The guests arrive in the 09.00-12:45 time period.
Participants: Officers from the Defence and the Danish Emergency Management Agency, the I., II. and III. ranking classes and invited guests of major national organizations and royal patronages.
Pool (limited space): In the Drabant Hall, where the guests (I., II. and III. ranking classes) and the royal family arrive in the 09:00-10:30 time period. There will be no additional opportunities for photographing inside the palace. Representatives of major national organizations and royal patronages can be photographed from a position in the Inner Palace Courtyard after 10:30.
Meeting time: 07:30 at the Queen’s Gate, Prince Jørgen’s Courtyard, Christiansborg Palace, where there will be a security check by PET.
An application for accreditation stating desired pool position, name, title, media affiliation and contact information must be sent to kom by 12:00 on Monday, 18 December at the latest. Accredited members of the media will receive a direct message by Wednesday, 20 December at the latest. You must bring your press card. Members of the media who are not accredited will have access.
Carriage tour
On 4 January, The Queen rides in the Gold Coach, escorted by the Guard Hussar Regiment’s Mounted Squadron, at 9.10 from Amalienborg to Christiansborg Palace and at approx. 13.30 from Christiansborg Palace to Amalienborg.
Lene Balleby
Director of Communications