Programme for State Visit from Finland

The Queen and The Prince Consort bid Finland’s President, HE Sauli Väinämö Niinistö, and First Lady Jenni Elina Haukio welcome to Denmark on 4 -5 April 2013.
The presidential jet lands on 4 April at the Vilhelm Lauritzen terminal, Copenhagen Airport, where The Queen and The Prince Consort and the Royal Family will greet The President and The First Lady.
Afterwards, there will be a welcoming ceremony at Fredensborg Palace with an escort by the Royal Household Hussar Guard Regiment. In the evening, The Queen and The Prince Consort host a Gala Dinner at Fredensborg Palace.
The programme for the Finnish state visit reflects the fact that Finland and Denmark historically have a long list of shared values and for many years have had reciprocal commercial interests and cultural exchanges. In both countries, there is a great interest at this time these years in clean-tech and green growth, which the programme focuses on with visits to Danish companies in this sector. During the visit, The President and HRH The Crown Prince will participate in ‘round table discussions’ at the Confederation of Danish Industry with companies from both countries.
The considerable cultural exchange between Denmark and Finland is also reflected in the programme. The First Lady and HRH The Crown Princess will visit the School of Architecture and the School of Design at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts schools on Holmen with a focus on study projects about sustainability. During the visit, The First Lady will, among other things, visit the exhibition by the young Finnish photographer Nelli Palomäki at Ordrupgaard Museum and a special exhibition featuring designs by the Finnish designer Kaj Franck at Designmuseum Danmark on Bredgade in Copenhagen. The First Lady also pays a visit to Royal Copenhagen.
There have previously been Finnish state visits to Denmark in 1977, 1983, 1994 and most recently in 2001, when then-President Tarja Halonen visited. The Queen and The Prince Consort made a state visit to Finland in 1973.
Joint programme
Upon arrival in Danish air space, HE The President of the Republic of Finland’s airplane will be escorted by two F-16 fighter jets from the Danish Air Force.
Welcoming ceremony at the airport, Vilhelm Lauritzen Terminal
HE President Sauli Väinämö Niinistö and First Lady Jenni Elina Haukio arrive at Copenhagen Airport, the Vilhelm Lauritzen terminal. The President and The First Lady are greeted by The Queen and The Prince Consort, The Crown Prince Couple, TRH Prince Joachim and Princess Marie, and HRH Princess Benedikte.
The Royal Life Guard’s Honour Guard will be inspected.
Official welcome at Fredensborg Palace
The President and The First Lady arrive at Fredensborg Palace escorted by The Royal Household Hussar Guard Regiment’s horse-mounted squadron. Official photographing of The Queen and The Prince Consort and The President and The First Lady in Harsdorff Hall.
Business luncheon at the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI)
HRH The Crown Prince and The President take part in a business luncheon at the Confederation of Danish Industry, where there will be a round-table discussion with participation by companies from Finland and Denmark.
Haldor Topsøe Fuel Cell
The President pays a visit to the company Haldor Topsøe Fuel Cell, where there will be a guided tour of the production facilities.
DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute)
The President visits DHI, where there is work with development of technology in the areas of water, environment and health. Among other things, The President will inspect DHI’s model testing facilities.
Programme for First Lady Jenni Haukio
The First Lady visits Ordrupgaard Museum’s exhibition "Breathing the Same Air" by the Finnish photographer Nelli Palomäki and The Danish Collection.
HRH The Crown Princess and The First Lady pay a visit to The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation on Holmen. The visit will focus on study projects about sustainability, and The Crown Princess and The First Lady will be shown projects relating to “Clean Tech” at the School of Architecture and “Sustainable Fashion” at the School of Design. After the presentation, there will be a walking tour on Holmen, during which architect Jesper Dahl of the Danish Agency for Culture will tell about the area’s development.
The Royal Library, “The Black Diamond”
The First Lady visits the exhibition “Treasures in The Royal Library” at The Black Diamond and meets employees of The Royal Library.
Joint programme
Gala Banquet at Fredensborg Palace
The Queen and The Prince Consort host a Gala Banquet at Fredensborg Palace, with the participation of The Crown Prince Couple, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie and Princess Benedikte.
Official speeches by HM The Queen and HE The President.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Programme for HE The President of the Republic of Finland
Velux Danmark A/S
The President visits the company Velux in Hørsholm and is introduced to products and a low-energy house under the theme “sustainable living".
The Danish Parliament and the Office of the Prime Minister
The President visits Christiansborg Palace, where there will be meetings with the Danish Parliament’s Speaker, Mogens Lykketoft, and Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt in the Prime Minister’s Office.
Programme for First Lady Jenni Haukio
Galerie Mikael Andersen
The First Lady visits the exhibition “INK" by the Finnish artist Robert Lucander at Galerie Mikael Andersen on Bredgade, Copenhagen.
Designmuseum Danmark
The First Lady attends the opening of the Finnish designer Kaj Frank’s exhibition “Teema with variations" at Designmuseum Danmark. After the opening, The First Lady will be shown the exhibition “Index Award”.
Joint programme
Luncheon in the Prime Minister’s Office
The Prime Minister hosts a luncheon in the Alexander Hall, Christiansborg Palace, with the participation of The President and The First Lady.
Programme for HE The President of the Republic of Finland
Sailing tour in Copenhagen Harbour
During a sailing tour in Copenhagen Harbour, The Crown Prince and The President are introduced to some of Copenhagen’s solutions in regard to sustainable development, including water purification and waste sorting. Environment minister Ida Auken and others will take part in the sailing tour. The ship departs from Christian’s Quay.
Programme for First Lady Jenni Haukio
Royal Copenhagen Flagship Store
The First Lady pays a visit to Royal Copenhagen’s Flagship Store, Strøget (the pedestrian shopping zone). During the visit, The First Lady will, among other things, be shown the porcelain factory’s special painting techniques.
Joint programme
Finnish Reciprocal Dinner in Moltke’s Palace
The President and The First Lady hold a reciprocal arrangement in Moltke’s Palace in honour of The Queen and The Prince Consort. From the Royal Family, The Queen and The Prince Consort, The Crown Prince Couple and Princess Benedikte participate.