HRH The Crown Prince appoints Løchte Nielsen as ambassador for tennis

Tennis player Frederik Løchte Nielsen is to be appointed as the Danish Tennis Union’s fourth official ambassador on Tuesday, 5 February.
The Crown Prince, in his role as the Tennis Union’s patron, is responsible for the appointment of the new ambassador, who with the title joins the other ambassadors, Kenneth Carlsen, Caroline Wozniacki and Kenneth Kammersgaard.
At the event, the Crown Prince will state the reasons for appointing Frederik Løchte Nielsen as a Danish Tennis Union ambassador and then will present the ambassadorial diploma.
At the conclusion of the appointment, the Crown Prince will also present the International Tennis Federation’s (ITF) Davis Cup Award, which goes to Kenneth Carlsen, Frederik Fetterlein, Michael Mortensen and Torben Ulrich. Kurt Nielsen, Jørgen Ulrich and Einer Ulrich will also receive the ITF honour posthumously.
ITF’s Davis Cup Commitment Award was established on the occasion of the ITF’s 100 year jubilee in 2013, and the prize is given to tennis players who have represented their country in Davis Cup connection more than 20 times at the highest level or 50 times in all.
The event takes place at Flintholm Have in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.