The Crown Prince couple to visit Sydney

The Crown Prince Couple, in their role as patrons, participate in the celebration of the 40th jubilee of the Sydney Opera House in Sydney and, in that connection, award the Crown Prince Couple’s Prizes 2013.
The Crown Prince Couple pay a visit to Sydney, Australia from 25 – 28 October as patrons of the 40th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House. On that occasion, The Crown Prince Couple will take part in the celebration and will, on the same occasion, preside over the presentation of the Crown Prince Couple’s Prizes 2013.
Every year, The Crown Prince Couple hand out four prizes in three categories at the presentation of the awards, which were established in 2004 as a gift from The Bikuben Foundation. In the Opera House on 28 October, The Crown Prince Couple will present four prizes: the Crown Prince Couple’s Culture Prize and the Crown Prince Couple’s Social Prize, each worth 500,000 Danish kroner, and two cultural “Stardust” prizes of 50,000 kroner each. Danish and Australian artists will appear during the awards ceremony, which can be followed in Denmark on DR 1 and in Australia on the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS).
During the visit, The Crown Prince Couple will participate in several events marking the Opera House’s 40th anniversary, including a gala concert and a number of cultural events focused on new talent. Among other things, The Crown Prince Couple will preside over the opening of a Danish design exhibition and an international architecture and design symposium.
Read more about The Crown Prince Couple’s Prize.
Read more about The Sydney Opera House’s 40th anniversary
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