H.M. The Queen’s last public audience

Monday, 8 January 2024 was the date of Her Majesty's final audience, at which laundry worker Flemming Kjølstrup Jensen from Centralvaskeriet Bispebjerg was the last Dane to be in official audience with The Queen.
Since 1972, The Queen has received between 50-150 Danes at each audience, so throughout the period of Her Majesty’s reign, there have been far more than 50,000 conversations with Danes who sought an audience. Official audience has taken place at Christiansborg Palace approximately every other Monday throughout the year.
Denmark has a long historical tradition that anyone with special business is able to seek an audience before the sovereign. At the audiences, there is an opportunity to appear and personally thank The Queen for, as examples, the bestowal of a royal order or medal, a royal appointment or The Queen’s participation in an opening or a visit.