Statement from The Crown Prince Couple

As parents, we face some difficult considerations concerning the schooling of our oldest children at this time. It is discussed in many places – including here on our own social media. It makes an impression on us. Previously, we have expressed that we as a family are burdened by the unfortunate situation at Herlufsholm, and that we will follow the changes that are obviously necessary. Here, we will seek to share some of our thoughts and put into more words the considerations we make as a family.
Bullying, violence and indignities are never acceptable. We must respond to the painful and devastating incidents by insisting on changes that ensure a safe environment for all. And then we must recognize the courage of those who have shared their violent experiences.
At the same time, we are parents of a son who is very happy to attend the school. And a daughter, who has long looked forward to starting at the same place.
The question is whether the two aspects can go hand in hand; whether we as parents can let our children go to Herlufsholm and, at the same time, respond and insist on the changes that benefit all students at the school. There will be divided opinions about that. But, for us, the answer depends both on the investigations that are underway and on the effect of the initiatives that the school has already decided to undertake. Furthermore, we will look at the school’s future initiatives, but also at what we as parents can demand and contribute. The goal must be a future Herlufsholm where all students – no matter who they are – thrive and can feel safe based on sound values.
Finally, we will continue to talk with our children, trust them and listen to their wishes. Their perspective must necessarily also be taken into account when our decision about their future schooling is made.
Like all other parents, we want to do the best for our children. At the same time, we are aware of our special position as Crown Prince Couple.
Here and now, we do not know all of the answers. As a family, we need more knowledge to be able to make the right decision for our children.
The Crown Prince Couple