H.K.H. Prins Joachims tale ved EUSO 2017 Copenhagen den 13. maj 2017

Offentliggjort den 17. maj 2017

Dear participants in the European Science Olympiad, EUSO 2017 Copenhagen.

As you are probably aware, Denmark is a small country, and there are very few – if any – natural resources of which we can benefit; no rare earths, we have modest deposits of oil and gas in the North Sea and... OK, we do dig up some gravel.

The fish from the sea and the agricultural produce from the farmland are not sufficient to make Denmark competitive when it comes to trade. Within this framework we must rely on something else: Knowledge and innovative skills.

Therefore it is not just an option but mandatory to have highly educated people in, in research, in development, and in production. This will ensure that we are able to maintain our welfare and prosper.

Looking at Denmark from this point of view you will see Danish companies like Lego, Bang & Olufsen, Vestas, Carlsberg and Novo Nordisk, all of which are known worldwide!

All these companies rely on well educated, cooperating people, capable of innovation when it comes to the making of products for export markets.

I say to all of you who have come to Denmark to Copenhagen to participate in EUSO 2017: You will be the scientists of the future, the engineers and the creative element that makes new inventions come through. Through your participation in the competition you have been developing skills that you will benefit from in the years to come.

It is a pleasure to promote activities like EUSO 2017 Copenhagen for exactly those reasons, and I hope that you have all had a challenging, funny – maybe sometimes cumbersome time here in Copenhagen – and not least that you met a lot of new friends.

Now, when it comes to the competition, I am sure you are all eager to be the best and to be the winners. Please let me underline: Although not all of you will get gold medals, you are truly all winners in the essence of the word.

The interest you have shown, your endeavors, the skills you have proven, and the friendships you have made are, in fact, prizes that cannot be underestimated.

I am convinced that your experiences during the past seven days have been memorable and I wish you all the best for the future and for your careers.

Thank you.