H.K.H. Prinsesses Maries tale ved markeringen af Flagdag ved Danmarks ambassade i Washington D.C.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great honour for me to be here today with all of you, to commemorate the service and sacrifice of our American, Danish and Ukrainian veterans and their families.

I have the deepest respect and admiration for all those who serve and their families.

As a proud board member of Veteran Coalition International (VCI), I have the opportunity to work for such a meaningful cause: 

To support veterans and their families. 

VCI strives to promote access to the best resources for ALL our veterans.

We are gathered here today to express our profound gratitude to the men and women who risk their lives for our freedom.

These brave individuals have answered the call of duty, facing untold challenges and hardship, to protect our common democratic values.

Their service does not, and should not, end when they come home.

As a nation with many veterans, we have an important duty to support our soldiers when they return home – and to pay special attention to their families as well.

Many of our veterans continue to struggle with the visible and invisible scars of war - the trauma, anxiety, the pain that linger long after the battles have been fought.

The families are too often not prepared to face this new daily life where they must provide the best possible care and support.

Thanks to VCI, I have met many inspiring veterans whose stories have moved me deeply.

Thank you for sharing these stories with me. It is crucial that we talk about the challenges that come with being a veteran and the role WE have in supporting our returning soldiers.

Veterans represent a valuable resource for our society. Their qualifications and competences are in high demand. It is important that we help them transition to civilian life. 

It is our responsibility to ensure that all veterans and their loved ones, receive the resources, respect, and recognition they deserve.

We must stand with them, not only on this flag day, but every single day.

Right now soldiers of Ukraine are bravely fighting for their homeland. 

The toll of this conflict is staggering: over 200,000 Ukrainians have suffered injuries, overwhelming a healthcare system already under attack.

Not to forget the children that are paying a terribly high price – lives lost, dreams shattered, and uncertain future.

VCI is committed to support the mental and physical recovery of Ukrainian soldiers and their families.

To ALL our veterans, your dedication and resilience are an inspiration to us all. You, who risked your life for our security and the sake of your country. Your service has made an incredible mark on our nations and our world. 

We will never forget your sacrifice.

And to the families who have stood by your side, you are the « unsung » heroes.

Your love, your patience, your strength has carried your loved ones through the darkest of times. We honour you today.

Dear veterans, we are grateful for your service, today we are raising the flag and saluting you.

‘’We fight together and heal together’’.

(Det talte ord gælder)